Welcome to Strong as a Mother, a group coaching program designed to help moms like you discover your natural strengths and thrive in every aspect of your life.

As a mom, you wear many hats - caregiver, partner, friend, employee, and more. It can be challenging to balance all these roles and responsibilities while also taking care of yourself and pursuing your goals and dreams.

But what if you could tap into your natural talents and use them to become the best version of yourself as a mother and a person?

That's where Strong as a Mother comes in.

Our coaching program is based on the powerful CliftonStrengths assessment developed by Gallup, which helps individuals identify their unique strengths and talents. By taking the assessment and participating in our group coaching sessions, you'll gain clarity on your natural strengths and how to leverage them in your daily life as a mom.

Here's what you can expect from the program:

  • A supportive community of like-minded moms who are also on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth

  • Weekly group coaching sessions led by a certified CliftonStrengths coach, where we'll explore various topics related to motherhood and strengths-based living

  • Access to a private group chatting platform where you can connect with other moms, share insights and experiences, and get feedback and support

  • Tools and resources to help you apply your strengths to various areas of your life, including parenting, work, relationships, and self-care

  • Ongoing support and guidance as you continue to grow and thrive as a mom and a person

Here are some of the topics we'll cover in our coaching sessions:

  • Discovering your natural strengths and talents and understanding how they relate to your role as a mother

  • Overcoming common challenges like time management, stress, and burnout by using your strengths

  • Enhancing your communication and relationships with your children, partner, and others in your life

  • Finding purpose and fulfillment in your role as a mother and in other areas of your life

  • Building resilience and confidence as you navigate the ups and downs of motherhood and personal growth

By the end of the program, you'll have a deeper understanding of your natural talents, how to use them to overcome challenges and enhance your life, and a supportive community of moms who are cheering you on.

We can't wait to see you thrive!


Why should Employers sponsor a Strong as a Mother coaching group?

  1. Retention: Mothers often face unique challenges balancing work and family responsibilities, which can lead to burnout or turnover. By providing coaching and support specifically tailored to mothers, employers can help retain valuable employees and reduce turnover costs.

  2. Productivity: When employees feel supported and valued, they are more likely to be engaged and productive at work. By investing in coaching and development, employers can help mothers build the skills and confidence they need to excel in their roles and contribute to the success of the organization.

  3. Diversity and Inclusion: By sponsoring coaching groups that specifically support mothers, employers can demonstrate their commitment to diversity and inclusion. This can help attract and retain a more diverse workforce, which has been shown to lead to better business outcomes.

  4. Gallup CliftonStrengths: Gallup CliftonStrengths is a powerful tool for understanding and leveraging employees' unique strengths. By using this tool in coaching sessions, mothers can identify their strengths and learn how to use them to their advantage in both their personal and professional lives.

Overall, sponsoring a coaching group that combines Gallup CliftonStrengths and motherhood can help employers create a more supportive and productive workplace while also demonstrating their commitment to diversity and inclusion.

SAAM Testimonials:

"I didn't know what to expect coming into this group, but I knew that I felt like I was drowning in work and toddlerhood, and that I needed to get my act together before my second baby arrived. Sarah's sessions were game changing for me. She was able to unlock the WHY behind the parts of my life that felt overwhelming and help me reframing them. My life is still chaotic - that's a given as a working mom of young kids - but by implementing the skills I have learned through Sarah's coaching I am able to change the way I approach, perceive, and react to that chaos. I can honestly say that Sarah changed the way I see my motherhood for the better. And in only a few short weeks!"

"Love love LOVED this program! I was familiar with CliftonStrengths before this, but had literally never thought about how it applies to my motherhood or my life until now. I also didn't realize how much my parenting focused on my kids and not on me, which was a real eye opener for me. I met an amazing group of parents through work and understand my strengths (top 5 but also top 10) so much better and how to lean into them. Would highly recommend this to any working moms/parents who are trying to juggle their identities as a mother, partner, and colleague. I love optimization in any form and this group has honestly optimized multiple aspects of my life!"